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The Oscars Showed Us Why Typography Matters Typed review (LATE)

The article’s purpose is to explain the importance of typography using the 2017 Oscars as an example of what not to do. In the scenario which was recapped in the article, the person who had to read the card made the horrible error of saying the incorrect answer because the hierarchy of the text was off, giving the illusion of EMMA STONE “LA LA LAND” as the more important piece of information i.e., the title. In my opinion I would say that this is a major issue that could have been resolved with a simple rechecking of the format. An event as large as the Oscars should not have such a small issue like this because it is live in front of millions of people who are expecting quality delivery. So, to sum it all up, It is always a good idea to recheck what you put out before you decide to put it out on National television.

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