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Adrian Traynum II

How to choose a typeface response.

I have never been one to look closely at the differences of type and lettering. I am the person who sits down and just begins to type, usually in Calibri, Times New Roman, or Courier New. This article helped me to understand that choosing the right type is not only essential, but very tricky. With so many fonts to use it is all boiled down to a couple of parameters. The article talks about the legibility, readability, Goal, Mood, and more. I like to believe that the most important of these aspects would be the goal of the body of work. The goal of a body of work can easily help to determine what font to use, for example; someone wouldn’t use Symbols to type a research paper, that would be Crazy. I also feel as though you want to make sure that the type goes well with the piece aesthetically so This Font would be a terrible option to type this response in, It’s unappealing to the eye and doesn’t sit well with the rest of the body of work.

Original article here

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